It’s not always what you say…

Today is National Send a Card to a Friend Day! In today’s technologically advanced world, sending a paper card isn’t very common anymore. If we’re thinking of someone, we shoot them a text, send a Snapchat, hit them up on Facebook Messenger or, if we’re feeling really chatty and somewhat nostalgic, pick up the phone…

One little compliment can go a long way

  Happy Tuesday! Today, we get a triple “holiday.” Jan. 24 is Beer Can Appreciation Day, National Peanut Butter Day and, our personal favorite here at CLI, National Compliment Day. Any day is the perfect day to be kind to someone, but there’s something really special about giving someone a genuine compliment. Too often, we get caught…

We’re making Valentine’s Day shopping easy!

Let’s face it: Valentine’s Day shopping is normally a hassle. Many partners wait until the last minute to secure their presents — whether chocolates, flowers, stuffed animals, or jewelry — either because they’re too busy or they’re just dreading the shopping experience. And the age-old request of “Get me something that reminds you of me!”…

It’s not just chocolate that can be bittersweet

If you follow us on Instagram (which you totally should, because we post the best photos — @CLIFrederick), you probably saw the photo we posted in honor of today being National Bittersweet Chocolate Day. There’s a day for everything, so why shouldn’t there be one to commemorate this most distinguished form of chocolate? But, you…

A little update on a big project

On Nov. 1, we kicked off our monthly Community Forum Night at the C. Burr Artz Library here in Frederick. The event, held in partnership with the outstanding Grant Seeker’s Resource Center of FCPL, was started as a way to connect businesses, organizations, nonprofits, volunteers, and residents in our area — in short, just a…

Appreciating our supporters this holiday season

We have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. As the winter holidays approach, we have been overwhelmed by the love and support of this wonderful community. From buying Christmas presents for the people we serve to throwing holiday parties, the people, businesses and organizations of Frederick have proven just how giving this…