Be kind — there’s no better way to be

It’s hard to believe it’s already mid-June. Our walk is just under two weeks away! Time really is speeding by. As summer gets into full swing, we get to enjoy more activities outdoors in the long hours of sunlight each day brings. This time of year is perfect for outtings, barbecues, and family events. And…

Here’s what’s coming up this month at CLI!

Happy May! It’s hard to believe we’re already five months into 2017. Where has the time gone? Here at CLI, we’re pretty excited to welcome this new month. For us, May is jam-packed with activities and events, and we’re super pumped to get started. Here’s what we have coming up this month: First off, we…

We’re pretty lucky

Here at CLI, we know how lucky we are. We are surrounded by an absolutely amazing community that supports our mission and programs. The people and businesses of Frederick are kind, compassionate and giving, and we’ve been fortunate enough to benefit from that generosity time and again. When it came time to start getting prizes…

On the news!

If you get WHAG, you might have seen CLI on the news recently. Last week, we were featured on the TV station twice — for two very different reasons. The first story was about our transportation initiative. Many of you probably remember our Giving Tuesday fundraiser last November. We were so grateful for the donations…

Heading into April with a full heart and an even more full calendar

It’s officially spring, and it’s finally starting to feel like it. The temperature has been rising (albeit mixed with more than a little rain), and the flowers are starting to bloom. As we near April, our commercial’s run in Westview Cinema reaches a close. We’re so very thankful for the sponsors who made this dream…

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Today is World Down Syndrome Day! According to, today was selected as World Down Syndrome Day because the 21st day of the third month signifies “the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.” March 21 is important for the global community for so many reasons. Firstly, it serves…

It’s not always what you say…

Today is National Send a Card to a Friend Day! In today’s technologically advanced world, sending a paper card isn’t very common anymore. If we’re thinking of someone, we shoot them a text, send a Snapchat, hit them up on Facebook Messenger or, if we’re feeling really chatty and somewhat nostalgic, pick up the phone…

We’re making Valentine’s Day shopping easy!

Let’s face it: Valentine’s Day shopping is normally a hassle. Many partners wait until the last minute to secure their presents — whether chocolates, flowers, stuffed animals, or jewelry — either because they’re too busy or they’re just dreading the shopping experience. And the age-old request of “Get me something that reminds you of me!”…