One of the most common questions we are asked here at CLI is, “How can I help?”
To tell you the truth, we love this question. Here’s why: 1) It allows us the opportunity to explain what we do in more detail. 2) It gives us the chance to match giving opportunities with community members.
We believe everyone is different. No two people will come to the table with the same experiences, abilities or interests. While some are more able to offer their time, others might be more able to offer a monetary contribution. That’s not just OK — that’s how we prefer it! If everyone gave the same thing, our organization would be lacking. It’s the combination of gifts, from volunteer work to donations, that enables us to continue doing what we do.
Wondering how you can help? Take a look:
- A monthly gift.
- A lot of times, it’s hard for people to make spur-of-the-moment donations because they haven’t had the opportunity to plan out their budget. A great many people budget their expenses by month, so it’s easier to allot a certain amount of money each month. These monthly donations might seem small, but even $10 a month can go a long way.
- An annual gift.
- Perhaps it’s easier to commit to one large gift at the beginning or end of the year than a smaller one each month. We welcome these gifts, as well. If we can count on your support every year, we would be so appreciative!
- Employment!
- A big part of what we do is employment services. If you know a business that’s hiring and can benefit from the work of some amazing folks, let us know!
- Volunteering.
- We always welcome volunteers. From yard cleanup to jewelry workshops, our volunteer opportunities are varied, and we try to cater each experience to our volunteers’ strengths and interests.
- Sponsoring an event.
- We have several fundraising events each year, from bingo to our Community Fun Day. These events wouldn’t be possible without the help of sponsors. We welcome the support of local sponsors to make these events happen!
- A one-time donation.
- If you want to make a donation but don’t think you can commit to a monthly or annual gift, we would be more than grateful for your gift. And we certainly hope you’ll consider us in the future, too!
If any of these giving ideas pique your interest, contact Elaina to learn more.
Every gift helps – and no amount of support is too small.
Thank you!