Being a part of this amazing community for the last 40 years means that we’ve had the opportunity to build relationships and partnerships with a wide variety of businesses, organizations, and individuals.

As part of the unveiling of our 40th anniversary documentary filmed by the amazing folks at Blackfoot Productions, we will be sharing some short clips of interviews with various community leaders and members detailing their experiences with CLI.

Special thanks to Rick Weldon for sitting down to chat with us and share his thoughts!


“My name is Rick Weldon — I’m the president and CEO of the Frederick County Chamber of Commerce.

There’s a lot we value about Frederick. There’s a lot of really good stuff. So we have lots of employment opportunities; we have a great public school system; we have a vibrant downtown — better than almost any that I’ve ever visited. But what makes us a treasure is that we know how to treat the most vulnerable people in our community in a way that respects their dignity and makes them feel as whole as we feel.  So, yeah, I think Community Living is an absolutely critical resource and a big part of what makes Frederick such a wonderful place.

You’re not a whole human if you don’t understand why we have to provide the resources that are needed by people who just don’t have the ability to seek out and acquire those resources on themselves. 

Without someone doing what Community Living does, we wouldn’t be that community that other communities aspire to be.”