

Looking for other ways to help Community Living? Here are some ideas!


A monthly gift.

  • A lot of times, it’s hard for people to make spur-of-the-moment donations because they haven’t had the opportunity to plan out their budget. A great many people budget their expenses by month, so it’s easier to allot a certain amount of money each month. These monthly donations might seem small, but even $10 a month can go a long way.

An annual gift.

  • Perhaps it’s easier to commit to one large gift at the beginning or end of the year than a smaller one each month. We welcome these gifts, as well. If we can count on your support every year, we would be so appreciative!


  • A big part of what we do is employment services. If you know a business that’s hiring and can benefit from the work of some amazing folks, let us know!

Sponsoring an event.

  • We have several fundraising events each year, from bingo to our Community Fun Day. These events wouldn’t be possible without the help of sponsors. We welcome the support of local sponsors to make these events happen!

Computer/technology donations.

  • Our employees must go through extensive training to be able to work with and support the people we serve. While many of these trainings are in-person, several (including tests) are also computer-based. Having the technology we need in order to properly train our staff is crucial to being able to our organization and our mission. To view our current equipment needs and make a donation, click here.

In-kind donations.

  • We’re always grateful for donated items, but we can’t take everything. Click here for some tips on what we can and can’t accept.

For more information about any of these options, contact us! And, as always, you can help by sharing our posts on Facebook!