“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” — Margaret Mead

This week, Sept. 11 through 18, is Direct Support Professionals Week. This is a great opportunity for organizations across the country that serve people with disabilities to stop and show their appreciation for the men and women who give of themselves tirelessly on a daily basis.

Here at Community Living, we are so thankful to have a dedicated care staff that exemplify what it means to be selfless.

Direct support professionals at CLI don’t have a typical “day job,” and their duties don’t look the same every day. Their job is to provide whatever support the people we serve need to live fulfilling, independent lives. As you can imagine, that means they have a pretty diverse set of responsibilities — depending on the people they’re working with, the day, the time, the activities — nothing is the same from one day to the next. They are committed, flexible to change, and willing to take on whatever additional responsibilities are required of them to maximize the supports for the people we serve.

They are unwavering in their dedication. They care, not because it is their job to, but because that’s just who they are.

This week, we have a lot of surprises planned for our direct support staff, from daily prize drawings to complimentary goodies. It’s not much, but it’s our way of saying “thank you” for everything they do on a daily basis.

We appreciate all you do. #DSPWeek2016